
Farnell adds Cloudio to Raspberry Pi

Among other features, it incorporates Voice Assistant Capabilities, IFTTT (“If This Then That”) Integration, IoT Cloud Service, Sensor Monitor and Dashboard, Custom Notifications with Image and Video and One Tap Multi-Board Upload.

“The versatility of GraspIO Cloudio along with its ease of use will make it popular with makers and innovators in a wide range of application environments. Cloudio, when combined with a Raspberry Pi, is a Full Stack IoT platform meaning that you can programme IoT devices simply and quickly with drag and drop programming on a mobile app,” says Farnell’s Steve Carr, “the combination of built-in hardware facilities and access to innovative application software will make Cloudio a valuable addition to the range of tools available to developers of projects involving voice, motion, imaging and cloud interaction.”

Cloudio unlocks physical computing applications with Raspberry Pi through a feature-packed board that includes a 0.96-inch OLED display, IR sensor, light sensor, temperature sensor, tactile switch, three ADC ports, a mini servomotor port for external sensors, three digital output ports, an RGB LED, and a buzzer.

Potential applications for the Cloudio include:

Voice Control: Users can create their own voice assistants using the inbuilt speech recognition feature to control Cloudio from a smartphone. Customised voice commands can be set to control lights, fans, switches, locks, and more, from anywhere.

Speech Output: Projects can be made to “talk” with the easy-to-use in-application “Speak” block and the Raspberry Pi’s own headphone jack. Users can create real-time speech notifications and custom messages, or play recorded audio from the board.

IFTTT Integration: IFTTT meets physical computing with Cloudio. Users can create simple applets that use Cloudio’s features as both triggers and actions for a new connected experience. One connection, countless possibilities.

Sensor Monitor and Dashboard: Using Cloudio’s on-board or external sensors, it can be deployed as an edge device to design intelligent and responsive sensor monitoring projects. Real-time sensor graphs can be viewed on a mobile device and data can be exported for IoT analytics.

Camera and Custom Notifications: A Raspberry Pi or USB camera can be interfaced effortlessly with the in-application camera block to capture images and videos or to create GIFs and time-lapse videos. Users can keep an eye on their projects by adding email, image, and video notifications.